Sabtu, 23 Juli 2011

Butterflies and Summer

I haven't had time to post anything for a few weeks as there has been no time to go out with the camera.  But yesterday this Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly was on the bergamont in front of the interpretive center and I was able to take a few photos.  They are large and beautiful butterflies that attract a lot of attention.

This Painted Lady Butterfly was on some thistle near by.  They are medium sized, quick flying butterflies with different colors on the underside of the wings than on the top side.
 This little skipper butterfly is one of the smallest around and was also on the thistle flowers.  These guys fly very fast and stay low in amongst the stems and leaves of the plants, for good reason, as I discovered.

Right after I took this picture a female Eastern Pond Hawk dragonfly swooped in and grabbed the little skipper and flew off to eat him for lunch.

So, life is not just fun in the sun for these pretty decorations in our gardens.  They are working hard to find mates and lay eggs before the needs of other critters intersect with theirs!

See dragonfly below enjoying lunch!!

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